Remote Flame Control
The Profl ame has six (6) fl ame levels. With the
system on, and the fl ame level at the maximum in
the appliance, pressing the down arrow key once will
reduce the fl ame height by one step until the fl ame is
turned off.
The Up Arrow Key will increase the fl ame height each
time it is pressed. If the Up Arrow Key is pressed
while the system is on but the fl ame is off, the fl ame
will come on in the high position (Figure 10). A single
“beep” will confi rm reception of the command.
Flame Off
Flame level 5
Flame level Max
Flame level 1
Figure 10: Flame level control.
Split Flow Function
The secondary burner is controlled by the split fl ow.
To activate this function, use the Mode Key (Figure
1) to index to the SPLIT FLOW icon (Figure 11 and
Figure 12). Pressing the Up Arrow Key will activate
the secondary burner. Pressing the Down Arrow
Key will turn the secondary burner off. A single
“beep” will confi rm the reception of the command.
Figure 11: Split fl ow Off.
Figure 12: Split fl ow ON.