Automatic search
After switching on the system with button , the antenna opens and moves into
the position in which a satellite was last received.
If no satellite is found, the system starts the automated search for the selected
When the search satellite is found, the search function stops and the TV signal is
looped through. A satellite search usually takes approx. 30 seconds, but the search
may take longer depending on the position of the parked vehicle.
If a reference transponder on the satellite fails or if it cannot be received at your
current location, the system will start a teach-in routine that may once take 15 -
25 minutes.
If no TV picture appears after this extended search period, you are most likely loca-
ted in an area in which the selected satellite cannot be received or the signal beam
is obstructed.
In this case, the message „No satellite found“ appears in the display of the control
The automatic search function always assumes that your vehicle is perfectly level. If
this is not the case, then the search period may be extended.
If the antenna is already open, the automatic search function is started as follows:
Press until the message „Automat. search“ appears in the display.
Press .
In general, the satellite receiver must not be connected or switched on to perform a
satellite search. However, if no receiver is switched on when the automatic search
ends, a corresponding message is shown in the display to alert you that no image or
sound signals are received.
If you wish to select another satellite, please refer to section „Search Satellite“:
Selecting a satellite for automatic search and Satellite swap