Vulcan Series
Proper measurement technique
Vulcan series is designed to be used for metallic samples only. The instrument is not capable of
analyzing plastics, ceramics, wood, rubber, soil or similar samples. If such samples should be
measured the results are not reliable.
The laser in the Vulcan series is focused very close to the nose plane of the instrument. Therefore
it is important to keep the instrument steady and in direct contact with the sample during the
whole measurement.
To ensure good measurement results:
Before starting any measurement, it is important to wear the safety goggles.
Take the measurement from a clean surface. Clean the surface if necessary.
Ensure that the sample covers the whole measurement window and that there is no
gap between the sample and the analyzer nose
Ensure that you point the instrument at the right place. There are grooves on the both
sides of the instrument that indicate the location of the laser beam. Optional camera
can also be used to aim the targeting.
Hold the instrument firmly and steadily against the sample. Do not tilt the analyzer.
Pull the trigger until ‘Measurement complete’ appears on the LCD screen
Read the results from the screen