OwandyCam – User Manual
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3 Installation
3.1 Precautions
The set must be handled with care, minimising twisting, pulling and bending of the USB cable
connecting to the PC. Do not walk or drive over the cable. To disconnect the cable, do not pull on
it but rather on the connector plug.
In order to avoid interference in the image, do not use the system in the presence of strong magnetic
fields. Also avoid nearness to sources of electrostatic radiation.
Refer to paragraph “1.3 Installation precautions”
to ensure the installation is in compliance with the
Install your imaging software before the installation of the drivers and utilities and the OwandyCam
equipment set.
3.1.1 Minimum recommended configuration
Failure of the computer installations to meet the minimum configuration can prevent the proper
operation or the start-up of your
set. Check the specifications of your computer(s)
before installation.
Operating systems
Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 and 64 bits)
USB port
Marked CE-CE1950
Intel Pentium III, 800MHz chipset and processor
USB 2.0 High-Speed compatible
Graphics card
DirectX 9.0 compatible
1024x768 (15inch) high resolution
Random access memory (RAM)
Hard disk
CD-ROM reader
Backup system
external/extractable disks, CD-ROM/DVD…
Mouse and keyboard
Laser, inkjet, thermal
At capture station
set with appropriate drivers
Imaging software
3.1.2 Equipment recommendations
The computer and screen with which the USB2.0 digital intraoral camera will be used, will preferably be
located near the seat, in the practitioner’s field of view, in order to enable immediate use. Also provide a view
for the patient so that he can share the imaging information.
The screen must be placed so as to avoid any reflection or direct light that could be detrimental to the display
of the intraoral images. It must be regulated (for contrast and luminosity) so as to display contrasted, luminous
and coloured images.