14.3 Remote Logging
Click the entry on the left hand navigation panel for System Administration – Remote Logging to enter
this page. Remote logging allows you to forward the syslog data from each machine to a central remote
logging server. In the WH-9100MESH, this function uses the syslogd daemon. You can find more
information about syslogd by searching for “syslogd” in an Internet search engine (such as Google®) to
find a versin compatible with your operation system. If you enable Remote logging, input a System Log
Server IP Address and System Log Server Port, click Apply to accept these values.
14.4 Reboot
Click the entry on the left hand navigation panel for System Administration – Reboot to enter this page.
The Reboot utility allows you to reboot the WH-9100MESH without changing any preset functionality.
AirLive WH-9100-MESH User’s Manual