10. Parameter Setup Procedure
10.1 Procedure to modify a parameter
Given below are the steps to change current parameters to new ones: (This parameter modification procedure
uses MODE and RESET switches in the internal electronics. See Fig. 11.11 on page 33.)
NOTE: For complete detail of MODE and RESET switch operations in steps ①, ②, ⑥ and ⑦, see “Table 10.2
Menu Trees and Switch Operation” on page 29.
10.2 Procedure to Enter a Parameter
The procedure to enter a parameter (switch operations sequence in “Parameter Setup Mode”) comes in three
ways (numerical setup, unit-of-measure setup, and decimal point location setup) as follows:
[Kind 1] Numerical setup parameters (F, H, Pu, At, A)
The blinking digit in the parameter setup mode is the place of interest.
MODE…… Each time the switch is turned on, the place of interest moves one place to the left.
RESET…… Each time the switch is turned on, the figure of interest increases by one, or the sign changes
(such as “E” or “-”).
→ Following the parameter setup, hold the “MODE” switch depressed for 2 seconds (the new setting is then
established and the screen returns to the review mode).
①In “Measure Mode (normal mode) , ”hold MODE switch depressed for 5 seconds to go into “Review Mode.”
②Using MODE and RESET switches, show the parameter you want to modify.
③Hold MODE switch depressed for 2 seconds to go into“Parameter Setup Mode.”
④Using MODE and RESET switches, set up a new parameter.(See paragraph 2 below for detail procedure.
⑤Following the parameter entry, hold MODE switch depressed for 2 seconds to go back to“Review Mode.”
⑥Using MODE and RESET switches, show the title(= one from bdAtA, AnA, PuLSE, or CorrEctCo).
⑦Hold MODE switch depressed for 5 seconds to go back to “Measure Mode.”
A diagram to show parameter setup flow
Measure Mode
(normal mode)
Review Mode
Parameter Setup
Example: Parameter “F”(meter factor)
Exponential sign (E: 10
, -: 10
(The screen above reads F=1.2345×10
・Turning MODE “ON”moves the blinking digit one place to the left(“E”).
・Turning RESET “ON”increases the figure by one(“2”→“3”).
Digit of interest(blinking)