2.3.14 Temperature
In the Temperature screen you can view the historic temperature diagram of the last four hours of the final current use in
the range from 10 to 90°C; in the bottom-right side of the screen there is the present value (see figure 2.3.10).
figure 2.3.10
2.3.15 Mains meters
In the Mains meters screen you can view the voltage and the current of the mains (see figure 2.3.11).
Mains meters
170 Vrms
figure 2.3.11
20 Arms
2.3.16 Amplifier Name
The amplifier name, together with the current preset name, can be displayed by enabling the “Display amplifier data”
function. The 20 characters amplifier name, together with the 40 characters preset name is shown in an different way when
the amplifier is in the starting page of the main menu. The amplifier name can be assigned by the “Edit amplifier name”
command (for the text editing, see Local preset handling section).
2.3.17 Local preset
There is the possibility to store up to 50 presets on amplifier local memory.
By choosing the Save local preset command, the current amplifier configuration (basic amplifier se TDSP board
settings if DSP board is present) is stored on the local memory. To proceed, the menu asks to choose one of the 50
available presets (see figure 2.3.12), showing the preset number and name. If the preset was never used, it is named
<empty>. By pressing ok, you can enter the preset name. The selected character is pointed by the arrow shown in
Figure 2.3.13, and by pressing or + keys it is modified. By pressing sel key, next character is selected as shown in figure
2.3.14. When the name input is finished, by pressing the ok key, the preset is stored
figure 2.3.12
figure 2.3.13
figure 2.3.14
Select preset #1
Choose preset name
Choose preset name
18 SET 1
The Recall local preset command loads and applies one of the stored presets, choosen through an identical dialog. Please
note that all the current amplifier settings are overwritten!
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