2.3.5 Max mains current
The figure 2.3.8 shows the Max mains current screen. The "+" and "-" buttons change the value of the max mains current
input in the range from 15 to 32A (8 to 16A for T Five). Maximum mains current limit set the rms value at which a C-Type
current breaker will trip-off.
figure 2.3.8
2.3.6 Clip limiter CH1 - CH2
Enable this function to prevent the distortion due to excessive amplitude of output
signal You can enable/disable it by
pushing the on/off button.
CAUTION: There is the risk of damage to the loudspeakers, if Clip Limiters are deactivated. You should not
deactivate Clip Limiters unless their function is taken over by external devices, such as digital system controllers.
In such cases it is mandatory, to properly adjust parameters in the external device
2.3.3 Input select
You can choose among three different input modes (if available): Analog, Digital AS3* with or without DSP processing and
Ethernet**. The up and down buttons change the selection; the "sel" button locks the selected option.
* Available only with optional DSP board
** Available only with optional Ethernet board
2.3.4 Max output voltage
The figure 2.3.7 shows the Max output voltage screen. You can choose to set CH1, CH2 or both by pushing "C1+2"
button. The "+" and "-" buttons change the value of the max output peak voltage. The ranges available are showed in the
table below
Max output voltage
figure 2.3.7
T Seven
T Nine
T Eleven
from 40 to 200
from 40 to 169
from 40 to 153
Values of peak voltage (V)
T Five
from 40 to 165
Max mains current
22 A rms
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The Sound of Big Ideas