During use of the power wheelchair, electrical discharges (high voltage with low current; discharge via the user)
may occur which are caused by factors such as friction. However, these do not represent a health hazard.
Electrostatic discharge may also occur if the power wheelchair is equipped with puncture-proof tires. Retrofitting
the wheelchair with pneumatic tires can correct this problem.
8.7.2 Driving notes
General information:
Prior to each use, the charge level of the batteries must be checked to avoid stalling due to drained batteries.
Beginners should always drive at a low speed level.
Always take curves slowly.
On uneven ground, the driving behaviour of the wheelchair may get out of control. Therefore the speed must
always be adjusted to the ground conditions.
Driving backwards should be limited to manoeuvring and short distances on level ground.
Obstacles (steps, curbs, tracks):
Always approach obstacles directly from the front (never at an angle with only one front wheel).
Always reduce speed to cross over obstacles (e.g. select speed level 1 or 2).
Note the information on the critical obstacle height (see the section "Technical data"). Crossing over obstacles
greater than the height difference specified there is not permitted.
Avoid jumping down from steps.
Do not lean out of the wheelchair while crossing obstacles.
Only cross railway systems and railway tracks in the designated areas.
Do not negotiate railroad crossings too close to the edge. Otherwise, the wheels could accidentally move off
the railroad crossing.
Inclines and gradients:
Note the information on permitted inclines and downgrades (see the section "Technical data"). Driving on
inclines or downgrades exceeding this percentage is not permitted. The wheelchair may otherwise tilt and not
brake safely.
The control device and the motors must be protected against overloading. Therefore, the continuous climbing
ability depends on the overall weight (wheelchair user load), as well as the ground condi
tions, exterior temperature, battery voltage and driving style of the user. In individual cases, the continuous
climbing ability may be significantly lower than the value specified.
In order to navigate downhill gradients safely, the speed must be reduced according to the slope (e.g. select
speed level 1).
Never drive downhill backwards. Only briefly manoeuvring on ramps is permitted (for example, when exiting a
vehicle for transporting persons with reduced mobility).
The speed must be reduced in dangerous areas (e.g. select speed level 1).
Typical dangerous areas include:
Narrow paths along waterways/slopes/cliffs (e.g., quay walls, dikes, etc.)
Cramped rooms or areas
Steep downgrades (e.g., in the mountains, facing streets)
Unsurfaced areas (e.g., on construction sites, intersections, train crossings)
Snow-covered or icy areas
The product may not be used in salt water.
Using the control unit:
The control system always has to be mounted securely and the joystick position must be correct.
The hand or limb used to operate the joystick should be supported, for example on the side panel arm pad.
The joystick must not be used as the sole support for the hand or limb, because wheelchair movements and
bumps could cause a loss of control.
Skippi Plus