20 | Ottobock
Impulse switching in case of one-electrode control
(Prog. 5)
Contraction of one muscle - short and quick.
e.g. balling a ficticious fist or spreading ficticious fingers. Avoid cramps!
Myo Ro tronic
Hand control
Signal sound
Signal sound + vibration
Program 1:
Four-channel control
Control with 2 electrodes
Opening and closing:
By slowly beginning muscle contraction via the electrode: It takes more than
80 ms for the electrode signal to reach the respective upper threshold after exceeding the ON-
threshold. The prosthetic component opens or closes until the electrode signal subsides.
Pronation and supination:
By quickly and strongly beginning muscle contraction via the electrode:
The electrode signal reaches the respective upper threshold within 80 ms after exceeding the
Rotation can be controlled both digitally and proportionally (see Section 5.1.2). The optional 9X24
Switch can be used to turn off pronation and supination.
1. As soon as
the elec-
trode signal
exceeds the
the timer for
of switchover
starts run-
2. If the electrode signal exceeds the up-
per threshold (variable) within 80 ms after
reaching the ON-threshold (see 1.), swi-
tchover to rotation will take place.
The optimal level for the upper threshold is
determined with the aid of MyoSoft/ PAULA
and can be read on the righthand scale.
The respective values for the two electrode
signals are then transferred to the My-
oRotronic, scale A and B, using 757T13
The final settings of the upper threshold
should always be checked on the pros-