The Patient Identification number is entered by using the Frequency and
Hearing Level knobs on the Control Panel.
The cursor is represented by an asterisk (
) and is moved by turning the
Frequency knob. Turning the HL knob displays the digits and symbols
available (space, 0-9, / and -). Enter desired number by means of the
following procedure:
1. Use Frequency knob to position cursor (
) over the desired space.
2. Use HL knob to display the desired digit or symbol.
3. Using the Frequency knob to position cursor over the next space in
effect selects the displayed digit. Continue in the same way until the
desired number has been entered.
You may only change or delete one digit at a time (delete by
entering a space over the digit to be deleted).
The maximum length of the I.D. number is default defined as ten digits, but
this may be changed via the interface to anywhere between 0 and 16 digits. If
0 (zero) is defined, the option “Patient” is removed from the Select Function
Definable Length of
I.D. Number
to exit Patient I.D. Entry mode.
In Test Mode, a new option has been added to the Options Menu, Data
Transfer (Datrf.), assigned to Softkey 3.
Softkey 3
Pressing Data Transfer saves all measuring parameters in a local buffer, and
the contents of the buffer may be transferred to the computer via the
When the operator has obtained a hearing threshold for a given frequency,
the information is saved by pressing the Option key (Softkey 3) and then
selecting Datrf. (Softkey 3 again).
Softkey 3
In practice, this simply means that, when a threshold is found, the operator
presses the Option key twice to save the threshold.
After pressing Data Transfer, the audiometer automatically reverts to Test
13. Data Interface