3. Make sure that only the hearing instrument receives an input signal by muffling the FM transmitter microphone.
4. In the OTOsuite
Test Selector
select the special test
FM Reference Sequence - HI in AURICAL HIT
on the
The FreeStyle test screen in PMM is launched.
5. Close AURICAL HIT and click the
button in the Control Panel to measure curves 1 and 3.
Perform FM transparency and FM advantage measurements
1. Connect the coupler cable from the Accessory Box to AURICAL HIT.
2. Place the hearing instrument setup in the top position coupler hole of
the Accessory Box and place the Accessory Box on an insulating pad to
prevent noise and vibration from influencing the test.
3. Raise the elevation plate in the test chamber.
4. Make sure that you have removed the material used to muffle the FM
transmitter microphone for the reference measurements.
For FM transmitter with built-in microphone:
Place the FM transmitter on the elevation plate in the test cham-
ber. If the transmitter has two or more microphones for dir-
ectionality, align them along the loudspeaker axis.
For FM transmitter with lapel microphone:
If the FM transmitter is equipped with a lapel microphone, run the
cable into the test chamber and fix the microphone to the elevation
Otometrics - AURICAL HIT
3 Testing hearing instruments