Telecoil testing
1. Position the hearing instrument in AURICAL HIT as described in
Traditional BTE hearing instruments
, so that the maximum field strength will be
achieved for the hearing instrument.
During telecoil testing AURICAL HIT automatically detects the orientation of the hearing instrument.
2. Enable telecoil mode in the hearing instrument.
3. Close the lid and start testing.
Hearing instruments with wireless transmitters (e.g. FM)
When you test hearing instruments with wireless sound transmission, it is sometimes necessary to separate the input
device (transmitter) from the output device (receiver).
To do so, place the transmitter in AURICAL HIT and the receiver on the coupler microphone in the Accessory Box.
To set up the Accessory Box, see
This procedure applies to hearing instruments with FM functionality. Use the procedure to verify that the FM system is cor-
rectly adjusted for transparency and FM advantage.
The FM verification measurements (reference, transparency and FM advantage measurements) involve coupler meas-
urements both inside and outside the test chamber.
What you need for testing
An FM transmitter
Hearing instrument with FM receiver
Coupler assembly (adapter, coupler cavity and coupler microphone) placed in Accessory Box
Coupler cable between Accessory Box and AURICAL HIT
Insulating pad under Accessory Box
Acoustic putty (sealing material), such as Bostik Blu-Tack™
The measurement procedures described below serve as a guideline to show the intended workflow. This includes a
description of how to use the two special tests for FM Sequence testing with the Feature-2-Benefit functionality in the
OTOsuite PMM module.
For detailed instructions on FM and hearing instrument settings, as well as interpretation of these measurements, see the
documentation provided by the manufacturer of the specific FM device.
Use the two special tests for FM testing in the OTOsuite PMM module. You can use these tests to automatically collect
and compare the relevant measurements for FM transparency and advantage. These special tests are based on a traditional
65 dB SPL speech signal for reference and transparency, and an 80 dB SPL speech signal for FM advantage.
Perform reference measurements
1. To perform reference measurements, position the hearing instrument as described in
Traditional BTE hearing instru-
. Leave the hearing instru-
ment placed on the coupler assembly in AURICAL HIT.
2. Set the hearing instrument to FM+HI mode.
Otometrics - AURICAL HIT
3 Testing hearing instruments