Important information
The correct amount of combustion air is a
deciding factor for optimal combustion� It affects
the degree of efficiency, i�e� the amount of energy
that can be extracted from the wood� Furthermore,
it ensures an optimal air volume for a clean burn,
clean observation windows and an environmentally-
friendly combustion� When the optimal closing time is
reached, the storage of the masonry heater is not
cooled by the supply of fresh air and as a result
does not reduce the storage duration� The ORTNER
combustion control safeguards the optimal energy yield
with a maximum degree of safety�
In the event of a power failure, the
combustion air register of the control unit
is opened automatically�
Initial start-up
During the initial start-up and restart as well as
following a power failure, for safety reasons, the
control always starts in the heating up phase and the
combustion air register remains open� Therefore,
in the event of a power failure during the heating
process, the fuel is burnt safely�
In the event that the temperature is
>50 °C - <250 °C following a power failure,
the control remains in the heating up phase�
When the temperature is >250 °C, the control switches
to the heating phase�
When the temperature remains below a temperature
of 50 °C during a waiting period of 60 minutes,
the control will return to the standby mode� Only then
will the combustion air register close again�