four channel digital video recorder
Video channel that is being configured. This
number corresponds to the BNC video input on the rear
panel of the DVR.
Number of pixels in the video. There are
three resolution settings which are D1, HD1 and CIF. It is
recommended to encode all four channels in D1 resolution
in main stream and CIF resolution in Extra Stream.
> Resolution of D1 is (704x480 NTSC and 704x576 PAL).
> Resolution of HD1 is (704x240 NTSC and 704x288 PAL).
> Resolution of CIF is (352x240 NTSC and 352x288 PAL).
FraMe raTe (Fps):
Number of images frames that are
recorded by the DVR per second. The higher the number,
the smoother the video and higher data transmission.
biT raTe Type:
There are 2 types of bit rate which are
Variable Bit Rate (VBR) and Constant Bit Rate (CBR).
> VBR encoding data consumption can vary by the amount
of data usage over time according to requirement. It
allocates higher bit rate to more complex recordings
such as one with a lot of movement in view. Conversely, it
allocates lower bit rate to recordings with no movements.
It is recommended to use VBR for Main Stream as the DVR
can manage the allocation of data on the hard disk wisely.
> CBR encoding data consumption is always constant per time.
CBR is useful when transmitting data over limited capacity
channels such as networks over the internet. The disadvantage
of CBR is that complex recordings may lose some information
and form fuzzy blocks on the video stream. It is recommended
to use CBR for Extra Stream as it can ensure a constant
stream of video over the internet to remote devices.
Quality of the video recording. When VBR is
selected, there are 6 quality options of the video stream.
biT raTe:
Amount of data transmitted over time. The quality
of video recording directly correlates to the bit rate. The higher
the bit rate, the higher quality the video recording. When CBR
is selected, there are 6 bit rate options of the video stream.
Check the box to enable video or audio
up WinDoW:
Return to previous menu.
shoW DeskTop:
Exit to main monitoring display screen.
Copy current channel settings.
Paste copied channel settings.
Restore default settings.
18 system > network
Network menu allows the configuration of basic network settings.
neT carD:
networking module.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a networking
function that automatically acquires IP address from a device
in the same network, usually a router. DHCP is usually used
in networks with a lot of devices which makes IP address
management a complex task. All devices in a network need
to own a unique IP address for them to function properly.
DHCP is enabled by default so the following settings will be
acquired automatically.
ip aDDress:
IP address is a set of numbers that determine
the address of the DVR in the local network. This number
is used to locate the DVR in the network when trying to
access it with another device. This DVR uses IPv4 addressing
where the IP address consists of four sets of numbers (0-255)
separated by a period.
subneT Mask:
This refers to a subdivision of a local IP
network. Subnet mask works in conjunction with IP address
and splits the address into 2 parts which are network prefix
and host identifier. If IP address is and subnet
mask is, the network prefix is and
the host identifier is
IP address of the router in the local network that
communicates with the larger network, the internet.
priMary Dns:
Domain Name Server translates the IP address
of a device such as into a domain name
such as mydvr.orionlive.com.au. A Domain Name Server is
required for this functionality. For advanced users only.
seconDary Dns:
Backup Domain Name Server. In any
case that communication with primary DNS fails, the DVR will
communicate with secondary DNS. For advanced users only.
MeDia porT:
Port that the DVR utilise to send video stream
and other information through to Orion CMS. Default Media
port is 34567.
hTTp porT:
Port the DVR utilise to send video stream
and other information through to internet browser.
Default HTTP port is 80.
hs DoWnloaD:
Enable high speed file download through
the network.
TransFer policy:
This defines how DVR transfers data
through the network. There are 3 policies.
Adjusts the data transmission according to
network speed. This setting adjusts on image quality and
fluency based on current network speed.