four channel digital video recorder
15 alarm > aBnormality
Abnormality refers to any deviation from the DVR’s normal
operation. This function notifies users when any abnormality
eVenT Type:
There are five event types.
no Disk:
Hard drive not installed in DVR.
Disk error:
Error occured when read/write hard drive.
Disk no space:
No storage space in hard drive.
neT DisconnecTion:
Network connection interrupted.
ip conFlicT:
DVR IP address conflicting with other device.
Check this box to enable selected abnormality
shoW Message:
Pop up message on live monitoring
screen when abnormaility detected.
DVR emits an alarm tone using its internal buzzer
when abnormality detected.
16 system > general
General menu allows configuration of basic system settings.
sysTeM TiMe:
This is the date and time that is used to time
stamp all the video footages, logs and notifications.
DaTe ForMaT:
Select preferred date format.
Daylight savings time is used to reconfigure the time
during daylight savings. Daylight savings differ from country
to country. Enter the dates and times that daylight savings
time applies begins and ends according to locality.
DaTe separaTor:
Select preferred separator (/ : .)
TiMe ForMaT:
Select preferred time format.
(24 hours or 12 hours)
Select preferred language.
hDD Full:
The method the DVR handles data storage
when hard disk is full.
setting overwrites the oldest
recordings with new ones.
record setting stops all
recording when hard disk is full.
DVr no.:
Number allocated to the DVR. Multiple DVR can
share the same remote controller. Only when the matching
number of the DVR and remote control is pressed, the
remote control signals will be recognised by the DVR.
ViDeo sTanDarD:
Select video standard (PAL or NTSC).
The video standard in Australia is
auTo logouT:
Duration of inactivity to logout the
current user. After auto logout, the user is required to enter
password to resume operation.
17 system > encode conFig
Encode config allows configuration of the quality video streams
are encoded and recorded. The DVR allows two different
channels of compression.
Main sTreaM
is for the video streams that are displayed
and recorded by the DVR. Main stream has the best quality
for local viewing.
exTra sTreaM
is for the video streams transmitted
through the network to mobile devices or remote PC. The
subtream usually has poorer quality to keep the files small,
making it easier to transmit through network and ensure a
smooth video stream.