User Guide | MyEye 2.0 |
Page 16
Recognize Learned Faces.
Stand a few feet from the person you want to
recognize and look at their face. There are two
ways for OrCam to recognize a face:
Manual face recognition: Touch the touch
bar until you hear a beep followed by a camera
Automatic face recognition: Keep your head
steady as OrCam recognizes the person.
OrCam will play your recorded name aloud
and chime when completed.
Information about new faces.
Follow the instructions for “How to recognize
learned faces.”
After taking a picture, OrCam will then tell
you the number of people in front of you, their
general ages and their genders.
Notes on Facial Recognition.
For best results, make sure to learn one face
at a time, in an area with good lighting.
If OrCam fails to recognize a previously
learned person you can re-learn that face.