Ensure the gas bottle is connected properly every time the gas bottle is changed.
Follow the manufacturers procedure/recommendations for any issues pertaining to the gas hob itself.
If the water supply has been set up correctly then fresh water should flow out of the tap and
waste water out of the external outlet respectively.
If water is not flowing out of the tap check the hoses and connections, next check the pump and
switch and that the fresh water container has enough water and the pump is fully submerged.
The waste water hose of the sink unit should be connected to the provided aperture on the
kitchen base unit, the outlet (on the exterior) of the Camper should also be opened to prevent
blockage or back flow of water. The supplied convoluted hose should also be connected to the
outlet and into a suitable container or drain.
The pump should be submerged in a suitable container filled with water. NEVER run the pump dry.
The pump must be connected to the external socket, for it to function properly and supply water
to the sinks tap.
The pump switch is located on the control panel by the door of the Camper and must be turned
on for it to work. After initial turn on of the pump it may operate for a short while, this is normal
and simply ‘primes’ the pump to readily supply water on demand.
Depending on location and flow of the water, if the flow of water is not as desired, the pressure
may require adjustment. This can be adjusted via a rotary switch at the back of the pump
socket which is accessible from the inside of the Camper (underneath the Kitchen base unit).
Further information can be found on Page 18.
If the wheel on your Camper has to be changed please remember to re-torque the bolts to the
correct torque setting. For alloy wheels the correct setting is 130Nm and for steel wheels the
correct setting is 88Nm.
You should check the pressure of your tyres regularly and before each journey with your OPUS
The correct pressure is 44PSI or 3BAR. This is correct for tyres/wheels supplied with your OPUS
you have modified the tyres/wheels please adhere to the recommendations of the tyre/wheel
If you have chosen the Spare Wheel and Carrier option this will always been supplied in the form
of a steel wheel. Please note that if the spare wheel is required for use then the torque setting is
less than that of the alloy wheels usually used on the OPUS