Goldpress 5 • User guide
With this equipment, ONLY CHANNELS manufactured by OPUS can be hot print stamped on
using the O.Goldchannel Base GP5/GP4-2017 accessory.
1. Fit the channel jig (17) on to the 2 pins on the O.Goldchannel Base
Put the channel on the jig (17). Ensure channel and jig are the same sizes,
e.g. channel 10, jig 10. The sizes numbers are, inside the channel and on
top of the jig.
2. Use the ruler to ensure the text is centred then remove the ruler.
Ensure the O.Goldchannel Base GP5/GP4-2017 is square to the unit.
3. Remove plates 20 and 21 then put the O.Goldchannel Base GP5/GP4-2017
with the channel under the heater on the base plate (8).
4. When printing on the whole length of the channel put the channel on the
jig either to the left or right in the position you want, now place the GP5 base
under the heater unit. First put the channel through the opening at the sides
and then ensure that the unit is level with the front and sitting on the base
unit (chapter 2-1 dig. 7 ) as shown at (dig.18) edge of channel keeping the GP5 in the centre on the
base plate.
When using smaller channels you can slide the ruler (18) forward using the centre line on the base unit
to ensure you have the channel in the right place.
5. Use the thumbscrews each side to adjust the unit in line with the tapeface fonts.
1. Put a piece of cut foil ensuring that it is right way up over the area on the cover where you want to
hot print stamp your text or matrix/logo.
2. Insert the cover under the heater in the slot. Make sure that the foil strip is positioned exactly under
the frame.
3. Press the handle to the maximum down position until the counter starts to count down the time.
4. After the set time has finished you will hear a bleep and the LED display will show END, lift the
handle and remove the item.
You can turn off the timer signal without raising the handle. To do this, press either programmer key
" or
If the current heater temperature is too low – LO appears on the LED display and you will hear a
bleep sound. Wait for the heater to reach temperature, you will hear a bleep. If the current heater
temperature is too high – HI appears followed by a bleep. Wait until the heater cools down.
5. Take the cover / channel / CD DVD out and remove the foil carefully, repeat the process making sure
the temperature is correct before stamping again. To change typeface fonts make sure that they have
cooled down, BURN HAZARD, place it on the rack now you can start composing a new text or mount
a new matrix.
Note! After hot stamping is finished, we recommend to wipe the hot stamp inscription with a soft
cloth in case there is any foil remaining on the typeface fonts or matrix/logo to stop bad printing.
16. O.Goldchannel Base GP5/
17. jig for channel
18. ruler
19. covered channel