Firmware version 1.10 - Document version 1.06 - eng
controller. These are the bits [15:0]. The default IP address is
The factory settings can be restored using the INIT button (see
of the
INIT button functionalities).
14.2.29. Register ETH_SUBNET_MASK_HI
This register contains the sixteen high order bits of the subnet mask for Ethernet communication of
the controller. These are the bits [31:16]. The default subnet mask is
The factory settings can be restored using the INIT button (see
INIT button functionalities).
14.2.30. Register ETH_SUBNET_MASK_LO
This register contains the sixteen low order bits of the subnet mask for Ethernet communication of
the controller. These are the bits [15:0]. The default subnet mask is
The factory settings can be restored using the INIT button (see
INIT button functionalities).
14.2.31. Register ETH_DEF_GATEWAY_HI
This register contains the sixteen high order bits of the default gateway for Ethernet communication
of the controller. These are the bits [31:16]. The default gateway is
The factory settings can be restored using the INIT button (see
INIT button functionalities).
14.2.32. Register ETH_DEF_GATEWAY_LO
This register contains the sixteen low order bits of the default gateway for Ethernet communication
of the controller. These are the bits [15:0]. The default gateway is
The factory settings can be restored using the INIT button (see
INIT button functionalities).
14.2.33. Register ETH_PRI_DNS_HI
This register contains the sixteen high order bits of the primary (preferred) DNS address for
communication of the controller. These are the bits [31:16]. The primary DNS address is
The factory settings can be restored using the INIT button (see
INIT button functionalities).
14.2.34. Register ETH_PRI_DNS_LO
This register contains the sixteen low order bits of the primary (preferred) DNS address for Ethernet
communication of the controller. These are the bits [15:0]. The primary DNS address is
The factory settings can be restored using the INIT button (see
INIT button functionalities).
14.2.35. Register ETH_SEC_DNS_HI
This register contains the sixteen high order bits of the secondary (alternate) DNS address for
Ethernet communication of the controller. These are the bits [31:16]. The secondary DNS address is
The factory settings can be restored using the INIT button (see
INIT button functionalities).