Firmware version 1.10 - Document version 1.06 - eng
vision applications. It provides a number of features and includes Modbus/TCP connectivity
capabilities. The implementation of the Modbus protocol in FabImage Studio is complete, but for the
use with this controller only a subset of functions, called filters, are necessary.
15.1. Filter selection
The filters are available in the top-left panel named
in the graphical interface. In this panel,
under the
Program I/O
category, the
Modbus TCP I/O
group is available. See the following figure
for reference.
Figure 19. The Program I/O group of filters in FabImage
There are several Modbus TCP filters available. In order to see all of them and select those needed,
drag and drop the
Modbus TCP I/O
icon to the central panel of the integrated development
environment. A window called
Choose Filter Variant
prompting for the desired filter variant will open
The following figure shows the upper part of the window, where all the filters for reading data through
Modbus are collected.