Required Conditions to activate the ignition:
1. The POWER (EMERGENCY STOP) and STEAM switches are on;
2. The float switches in the water and fuel tanks detect liquids;
3. The low water probe sensor in the vessel detects water;
4. The steam pressure should not be above 7 bar (101.5 psi); AND
5. The Blower fan, electrodes and electronic fuel pump are functioning.
Required Conditions for the Water Pump to Activate:
1. The POWER (EMERGENCY STOP) and STEAM switches are on;
2. Water is filled above the float switch level in the water tank;
3. Water is not detected by the high water probe sensor; AND
4. The water pump has not been running over 60 seconds during normal operation; OR
5. The water pump has not been running over 120 seconds at initial operation.
When steam pressure arise above 8.5 bar (123.2 psi):
When steam pressure gauge indicates above 8.5 bar (123.2 psi), you must turn off both
STEAM and POWER (EMERGENCY STOP) switches; confirm the cause and take steps
necessary before operating the machine again. (Refer to “Troubleshooting Guide” No. 10)
Possible Cause(s):
1. Identifying the cause of high pressure from fuel pump.
If the burner keeps igniting when the pressure gauge indicates pressure beyond 8.5bar
(123.2 psi), turn the POWER (EMERGENCY STOP) switch off, and contact your
distributor or manufacturer.
2. Identifying the cause of high pressure from water pump.
If the burner is off, and the pressure is above the maximum preset value, the most likely
cause of the high pressure is compressed steam or water in the vessel. If overpressure
persists, clean the high water probe sensor or replace if necessary
(See “Maintenance” on page 15)