Adjusting the Camera’s Image
There are many options for adjusting the camera’s image which we will detail below
You can adjust White Balance & Exposure settings, Red & Blue Gain, Iris, Shutter, Focus, & Backlight
Compensation to achieve the desired image style and quality.
White Balance Control:
Use the [WHITE BALANCE MODE] button to cycle through the camera’s
White Balance modes. Options include: Indoor White Balance, Outdoor White Balance, One Push
White Balance, Manual White Balance, & Auto White Balance respectively.
You can use the [R GAIN / B GAIN] Knob to adjust the Red & Blue Gain values.
Press the knob to toggle between Red Gain and Blue Gain. For adjustment when in supporting White
Balance Modes.
The camera will automatically change to Manual White Balance upon twisting the R Gain / B Gain
When the camera is in One Push White Balance, you can press the [ONEPUSH TRIGGER] button from
the White Balance Control section of the controller to calibrate the white balance.
Exposure Control:
Use the [EXPOSURE MODE] button to cycle through the camera’s Exposure
modes. Options include: Manual Exposure, Shutter Priority, Iris Priority, Brightness Priority, & Auto
Exposure respectively.
You can use the [IRIS / SHUTTER] Knob to adjust the Iris and Shutter values.
Press in the knob to toggle between Iris and Shutter. For adjustment when in supporting Exposure
The camera will automatically change to Manual Exposure upon twisting the Iris / Shutter Knob.
Focus Control:
Twist the [FOCUS] Dial towards Near or Far to focus the camera on a subject.
You can press the [AUTO FOCUS] Button to enable AutoFocus mode.
PTZOptics cameras will return to Auto Focus mode upon zooming in or out. You can lock the camera’s
focus from returning to Auto Focus mode by pressing the [AUTO FOCUS LOCK] button. While the
focus is locked, you have full manual focus control from the [FOCUS] Dial. Press the [AUTO FOCUS
UNLOCK] button to return to normal focus control.
Backlight Compensation:
Press the [BACKLIGHT] button to enable or disable Backlight
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