Firmware Configuration
Lastly some settings need to be confirmed / changed to make sure GRBL will output the correct power.
A. Go to and Sign into: Easel (
B. In a new or existing Project,
■ Go to: Easel > Machine > Advanced
C. Click on "Machine Inspector"
D. In Machine Inspector
■ Check your Current Settings.
1. Scroll down to "Settings"
2. Check your current settings against any
backups of your settings you might have.
3. If you have settings you need / want to
change, paste them into the console. If
accepted, you will get an "ok" in reply.
If you are still having issues getting your
machine to behave as expected, go through
■ Configure / Note PWM Min & Max
1. Scroll down to "Console"
2. Paste in the following settings one at a time.
Press Enter after each entry. You should get
an "ok" in response after each entry.
3. NOTE: While Laser Mode is enabled
($32=1), your laser will not fire unless it is
moving. This because laser mode alters the
output based on the feed rate.
4. NOTE:
If your Router / Spindle is controlled
by GRBL PWM, then disable laser mode
before you carve / mill anything. Laser Mode
can be disabled with "$32=0", and enabled
with "$32=1".
Some users might need to set:
Maximum spindle speed / RPM
Minimum spindle speed / RPM