8. Logging
OpenSprinkler supports logging, which stores zone runs as well as rain delay, sensor
status changes, and watering percentage changes.
At the home page, click View Logs (or ALT+L) to see a graphical plot of the log:
In the Options tab, select the start and end dates of the query. The default is the
past 7 days.
Select Table at the top of the page to switch to a table view of the data.
9. Firmware Update, FAQ, Support, and Github
Go to
to find
and detailed
. You can submit a support ticket
on our
and also find various support articles, including details of the weather adjustment
methods, IFTTT, and firmware compilation instructions. OpenSprinkler is a fully open-source product. Source code
and all hardware design files are available at the
OpenSprinkler Github repository
Advanced Topics
1. Installing Radio Frequency (RF) Transmitter
OpenSprinkler supports standard 434MHz or 315MHz Radio Frequency (RF) transmitters. This can be used to replicate RF
signals sent to remote power sockets for switching powerline devices, such as lights, heaters, fans, pumps. To do so, you need
to purchase an
and use it to decode RF signal code from your remote power sockets. Each code is a 16-digit long string
(e.g. 51001A0100BA00AA) that encodes the on-signal, off-signal, and signal timing information.
The RFToy package contains a pair of 433MHz transmitter and receiver, and also a pair of 315MHz ones. Pick the one that
matches the frequency of your wireless device. To maximize transmission range, you should solder a 17cm-long wire
antenna to the ANT pin on the transmitter. The wire can be straight or curled like shown in the picture below.
OpenSprinkler v3 has a built-in receptacle pin header for the RF transmitter. You can directly plug in an RF transmitter
(3-pin) on the top side. The orientation is such that it's facing up. See the
diagram for the locations of the RF pin header.
OpenSprinkler 2.3 and OSPi do not have a receptacle pin header for the transmitter, but PCB
pins. You can solder a transmitter to the pins. Specifically, open the enclosure, then locate the
RF pins on the circuit board: A3 (or DATA), VIN, GND, and solder the transmitter to the
corresponding pins. Finally, carefully reassemble the enclosure.
Additional details about the RF Station Feature can be found on this
OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.9 User Manual