ONICON Incorporated 727.447.6140
Page 20
Output 2 Pulse Duration is only active when scaled pulse output 2 [Pls2 = Gal
X.XXXX] is active. It is used to set the duration of each pulse. The duration is set
in milliseconds with a range of 0.4 to 9999.99.
Note: Pulse durations must match the requirements of the input they are connected
to. Very short pulse times may not be counted by the input and long duration
pulsed may damage electromechanical registers.
To enter a new value, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow key
to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the pulse length. Press enter
to accept the change and exit the function. Press escape to exit the program
This function is only available when output pulse 2 in OUTPUTS menu (menu 7)
[Out2 = XXXXX] is set to Freq+, Freq- or Freq±. When active, output 2 full scale
frequency sets maximum frequency for the output. This maximum frequency
equals the maximum flow rate set by full scale flow rate 2 [FS2 = Gal/m XXX.X] in
SCALES menu (menu 3).
To enter a new value, press enter to access the function. Use the right arrow key
to move the cursor and the up arrow key to change the pulse length. Press enter
to accept the change and exit the function. Press escape to exit the program
Output 2 Full Scale
[Frq2 = Hz X.XXXXX]
Output 2 Pulse Duration
[Tpls2 = ms X.XXXX]