Installation & Operation Guide: Oncam Grandeye 360
Evolution Camera Range
Version 2.4 | January 2014 | Oncam Grandeye, 115 Hammersmith Road, London. W14 0QH. UK
T: +44 (0)20 7371 6640 | E: [email protected] | W: www.oncamgrandeye.com
Motion Detection tab
Motion detection will only operate when the camera is in H.264 mode. C lick on a rectangular region to toggle the
setting between enabled and disabled. When a rectangle outline is green then this region is enabled for motion
detection in H.264 mode.
The Alarm S ettings page be used to configure detected motion as an alarm trigger which activates an alarm action.
The sensitivity may be changed. Available settings are Low, Medium, High or a C ustom setting.