The tooth scaler operates when the instrument is lifted from its housing and moved towards the operating
field, and when the foot control is engaged (see paragraph TOOTH SCALER OPERATION).
When the instrument is lifted from the table, all the other dynamic instruments and the patient chair
movements are disabled.
The operator can adjust the operating power by setting a value ranging from 10% to 100% of the max. power
using the
buttons after the instrument has been extracted. The value set is shown on the
display of the instrument table.
The button
on the main keyboard enables tooth scaler operation at a fixed power corresponding to
the value set or at a progressive power (the display shows whether the power is fixed or progressive):
when the button is disabled (corresponding LED off), the tooth scaler power is progressive and ranges
from the minimum power to the percentage value set depending on the foot control lever position;
when the button is enabled (corresponding LED on), the tooth scaler power is fixed according to the
percentage value shown on the display within the entire filed of action of the foot control lever.
Pressing control
to pre-select the spray. See the SCALER OPERATION paragraph.
The water delivered to the spray is regulated by opening/closing the tap located under the tooth scaler
module: when turned anticlockwise, the flow of water to the spray is gradually reduced; when turned
clockwise, the opposite applies.
Some scalers are fitted with the Endo and Perio modes.
EMS scaler:
to use the Endo function, the appropriate tip must be fitted and the necessary power (between 10
and 30%) must be set on the display. Attention, in any case 30% of maximum power must never be
exceeded in Endo mode.
to use the Perio function, the appropriate tip must be fitted and the necessary power (between 10
and 50%) must be set on the display. Attention, in any case 50% of maximum power must never be
exceeded in Perio mode.
The regulation of the power of the SATELEC SP NEWTRON scaler has to be done according to the tip on the