HDR Image Generation Technology
Dynamic range means the imaging hardware's ability to manage differences in lighting. The higher dynamic range the hardware
scores, the clearer images it can generate when imaging objects with a strong contrast in luminosity. Featuring the HDR Image
Generation technology, FZ3 can take two or more images of a workpiece at different levels of luminosity by automatically changing
its shutter speed and synthesizes them into a single image rapidly. As a result, the bright field where image capture is possible
expands 5,000 times in LD ratio compared to a general CCD camera. Accordingly, you can obtain vivid images not possible in
processing flows where images are color-depth filtered one by one in real time.
L u m i n o s i t y
d i s t r i b u t i o n
I n s t a n t a n e o u s l y c a l c u l a t e s t h e
luminosity distribution in the field
of view, and automatically setting a
number of images to be taken and the
shutter speed for each image.
Continuous imaging at different shutter speeds.
I ns t a nt a n e o u s synt h e s is o f d i f f e r e nt
images at different levels of luminosity.
T h e w i d e d y n a m i c r a n g e a l l o w s yo u
t o g e n e r a t e c l e a r i m a g e s e v e n w i t h
overexposure or under changing lighting
1 s t i m a g e
high speed
2 n d i m a g e
medium speed
3rd imag e
low speed
HDR High-Contrast Mode
There is a low contrast in brightness between the background noises and the thing to be
The contrast is enhanced by integrating and enlarging two or
more images.
Technology of HDR High-Contrast Mode
The HDR function that quickly produces multiple composite images offers the high-contrast mode. In this mode, images captured
at a constant shutter speed are layered on top of one another and output. Before, each image had to be enlarged to increase
contrast, and consequently the noise component of the image was also amplified. In the HDR high-contrast mode, on the other
hand, multiple images are combined together and then averaged to reduce their noise component, after which the images are
enlarged. This way, only the contrast of the area of interest and its background can be increased.
Conventional system
Low contrast makes the surface appear uniform.
HDR high-contrast image
Many scratches and soiled areas can be found.