High Resolution Image Generation
Higher Resolutions and Wider Fields of Vision
The new 5 million-pixel cameras allow high precision appearance inspections and measurements that cannot be
handled by conventional 2 million-pixel cameras.
Making Invisible Defects Visible
Reducing Set-up Time
T h a n k s t o t h e
cameras' wider fields
of vision, you don' t
have to m ove their
positions during set
up on a production
l i n e f o r d i f f e r e n t
products in different
T h e i m p r o v e d
r e s o l u t i o n o f t h e
s y s t e m ' s c a m e r a s
allows you to detect
ver y s l i g ht d efe c t s
that were impossible
for its predecessor to
million pixels
million pixels
Color Type
B l a c k a n d
White Type
million pixels
(2448×2044 pixels)
million pixels
(1600×1200 pixels)
1.5-times wider field of vision
Reducing Tact Time
E v e n a l a r g e
w o r k p i e c e c a n b e
imag ed at one time
a n d t h e d e t a i l s ar e
very clear
FZ3 t akes a sing le
wide-view image of a
large workpiece used
be imaged in multiple
p i e c e s a n d t h u s
reduces inspec tion
tact time.
2 milion
A lineup of high-accuracy lenses is available to fully utilize the high-resolution camera of 5 million pixels or
more and thereby realize accurate inspection. The resulting greater contrast and higher resolution ensure accurate
positioning check, scratch inspection and other inspection applications where higher accuracy is required.
* Please contact your OMRON sales representative.
Normal high-resolution lens
Only 5 lines can be detected.
Lens of over 5 mega pixels
All 9 lines are detected.
High measurement accuracy Lens of over 5 mega pixels
5 Million-Pixel Cameras
5 milion pixels