Doubly effective when combined with the Non-stop adjustment mode NG analyzer
Zero downtime for setting adjustment Non-stop adjustment mode
You can check conditions and reconfigure settings while measurement is still in progress if dimensional
variations of works, changes in external environment, etc., require adjustments and checks. Since adjustment
is possible without stopping the line/inspection, you can eliminate downtime, need to add visual inspections
to identify uninspected products, and cost increase associated with them.
You can display in a structured manner a graph showing the results measured at once on logging images. This
lets you identify the cause of a given NG much more quickly. You can also measure all images again after
changing a given setting, to check the reliability of the new setting.
Adjustment and troubleshooting has never
been so quick, simple and reliable.
L o s s c o s t c a n b e r e d u c e d . I d e a l f o r
mass-production processes with a higher
unit production volume or 24-hour lines.
zero downtime.
associated with restarting of the line.
P r o c e s s e d i t e m s a n d p a r a m e t e r s t h a t
generated an erroneous judgment can be
identified at a glance.
Yo u c a n c h e c k t h e d e t a i l e d r e s u l t s o f
parameters to identify the cause of the NG.
Printing / soiling inspection of sheets
Loss cost
Select a desired measurement result on the
graph to switch to the adjustment mode.
Identify the cause and adjust the settings.
Apply the
new settings.
Continuous inspection
without stopping line
Change the
A NG occurs.
Measure again in a trial
run to confirm the
Parallel processing of inspection
and adjustment
Check saved images to
identify the cause.
NG analyzer