Omnitronix DL50 User’s Manual
Page 28
Data-Link DL50 - Alarm Definitions Menu
A) Data Alarm 1 Settings
B) Data Alarm 2 Settings
C) No-Data 1 Alarm Settings [OFF]
D) No-Data 2 Alarm Settings [OFF]
E) 80% Full Alarm Settings [OFF]
F) Scheduled Event 1 Settings [OFF]
G) Scheduled Event 2 Settings [OFF]
Data Alarm
brings up the menu for data alarm configuration. The two data alarm
families are independent of one-another and should not be designed with any data referring
between the two. Following is an example of the menu.
Data-Link DL50 - Data Alarm Settings
A) Alarm 1 - [OFF]
B) Alarm 2 - [OFF]
C) Alarm 3 - [OFF]
O) Alarm 15 - [OFF]
P) Alarm 16 - [OFF]
Q) Setup Alarm Fields
R) Display Alarm Status
In the example above, alarms four through fourteen were cut out for brevity.
Data Alarm
Settings: Alarm
contains the settings for each individual alarm. Following is
an example of this menu.
Data-Link DL50 - Data Alarm 1
A) Alarm Enable [ON]
B) Alarm Name [Link Down]
C) Alarm Equation [errno="DN1"]
D) Threshold [3]
E) Auto-Clear when Threshold Reached [ON]
F) Alarm Counter Clear Interval [12 HOURS]
G) Alarm Counter Reset Time [00:00]
H) Actions [T1S]
I) Message []
J) Clear This Alarm Counter Now
… Alarm
: Alarm Enable
toggles each individual data alarm monitor.
… Alarm
: Alarm Name
sets the name for the alarm monitor. This name is reported with
SNMP trap actions.
… Alarm
: Alarm Equation
defines the alarm equation using the alarm fields defined in the
previous menu.