Chapter 4 - Setup
Manual Rev. 1.01
Page 25
Data-Link DL50 - Serial 2
A) Baud Rate [19200]
B) Data Format [8N1]
C) Handshaking [XON/XOFF]
D) Wrap Around [OFF]
E) Time Stamping [OFF]
F) Serial Stamping [OFF]
G) Character Masking [ON]
H) Data Alarm Enable [NONE]
I) Also Store Alarms to Alarm File [OFF]
J) Duplex [FULL]
K) Inactivity Timeout [0]
L) Port Mode [COMMAND]
controls the echo settings for the command processor. Full duplex causes the DL50 to
echo all characters sent to the remote device. Half duplex turns off character echo.
Inactivity Timeout
works in conjunction with password protection on the serial command
processor. If this setting has a value other than zero, it will log off an inactive user after the
number of minutes declared here. If set to zero, this feature is disabled.
Port Mode
controls the actual functionality of this port. This setting is a toggle with the
following options: Command, Data, and Inline. Command allows for serial command processor
access, Data configures the port as an inbound data port just like port 1, and Inline causes the unit
to perform a direct connection between ports 1 and 2. These settings are the same as those
available through Dipswitches B7 and B8.
Changing the Dipswitches will alter the port mode settings within the setup menu. The DL50 will
act on the latest change made, either in the Setup menu or through the physical switches.
4.4 - Modem Settings
The Modem Settings branch of the setup menu is not available in units without a modem installed.
Following is an example of the Modem Settings menu.
Data-Link DL50 - Modem Settings
A) Baud Rate [38400]
B) Data Format [8N1]
C) Duplex [FULL]
D) Init String [ATM1]
E) TAP Init String [ATM0]
F) Inactivity Timeout [0]
Baud Rate
indicates the fastest speed to connect to remote modems with. The actual connection
speed can vary depending on remote modem settings, line conditions, and other factors. This item