OAM functions.
802.3ah OAM Mode - The 802.3ah OAM Mode sets the selected port to “Passive” or “Active”
configuration mode. In “Passive” mode the port cannot initiate Discovery, send Variable Requests or
initiate Loopback Mode. It can observe and report only the port status of its 802.3ah enabled remote
partner. An “Active” port can initiate Discovery, send Variable Requests and initiate loopback mode.
Loopback Mode - The Loopback Mode turns loopback operations “On” or “Off”. When Loopback
Mode is set to “Off”, the port of the 802.3ah enabled local device will not initiate Loopback operations.
It can respond to loopback commands from its 802.3ah enabled remote partner if set to “Passive” or
“Active”. When Loopback Mode is set to “On”, the port of the 802.3ah enabled local device will
initiate Loopback operations and set the 802.3ah enabled remote partner into loopback. In this mode,
the 802.3ah enabled local device will not respond to any other configuration changes until its port is set
to “Off.”
Loopback Mode Timeout (sec) - The Loopback Mode Timeout field controls the length of time that the
port will be set to Loopback “On” mode. Loopback can be set between 0 and 300 seconds. The 0
setting disables the timer.
Local Status Section
The Local Status section displays the status of Port 1 and Port 2 of the 802.3ah enabled local device. The
local device is controlled directly by SNMP, Telnet or via the Serial Port and has the ability to communicate
with an 802.3ah enabled remote partner.
Discovery State - Indicates the Discovery state (“Complete”, “In Process” or “Incomplete”) of the
local ports. If “Complete” is displayed, Discovery has been completed. If “In Process”, Discovery has
been initiated but no response from the 802.3ah enabled remote partner has been received by the local
device. If “Incomplete”, Discovery has received a response from the 802.3ah enabled remote partner
but the Discovery process is not yet completed.
Multiplexer State - Indicates the Multiplexer state (“Discard” or “Forward”) of the local ports. If
“Forward” is displayed, the local device is forwarding non-OAMPDU network frames to the
sublayer. If “Discard”, the local device is discarding non-OAMPDU network frames.
Parser Action - Indicates the Parser Action (“Discard”, “Forward” or “Loopback”) of the local ports. If
“Forward” is displayed, the local device is forwarding non-OAMPDU network frames to the
sublayer. If “Loopback”, the local device is looping back non-OAMPDUs network frames. If “Discard”,
the device is discarding non-OAMPDUs network frames.
Remote Status Section
The Remote Status section displays the status of the ports of the 802.3ah enabled remote partner. These
remote ports are connected to Port 1 and Port 2 of the local device. The remote partner is managed by the
local device via the 802.3ah OAM channel.
Discovery State - Indicates the Discovery state (“Complete”, “In Process” or “Incomplete”) of the
remote ports. If “Complete” is displayed, Discovery has been completed. If “In Process”, Discovery
has been initiated but no response from the local device has yet been received by the remote partner. If
“Incomplete”, Discovery is in process, but is not yet completed.
Multiplexer State - Indicates the Multiplexer state (“Discard”, “Forward” or “Unknown”) of the remote
ports. If “Forward” is displayed, the remote partner is forwarding non-OAMPDUs to the lower sublayer.
If “Discard”, the remote partner is discarding non-OAMPDUs network frames. If “Unknown”, the
Multiplexer state of the remote partner is indeterminate.
Parser Action - Indicates the Parser Action state (“Discard”, “Forward”, “Loopback” or “Unknown”) of
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