LVCN414-SW Software Appendix
Section Seven
This section of LVCN414-SW software is where you select the sensor configuration settings. Start from the top
and work to the bottom, choosing the selections that are applicable to your application. All configuration
settings must be selected before you can continue to the next step.
This feature allows you to select the fail-safe current output if the
sensor looses echo confidence (LOST). When the sensor regains
echo confidence, the output current will revert back to the current level
Hold Last Value
The output will remain in the same state as
the last validated echo detected. Example: If the output was
6.7mA just prior to the lost signal, the sensor will continue to
output 6.7mA until echo confidence is regained.
- The output will revert to the current value for an
empty condition. When
4 mA at Bottom
is selected, the
sensor will output 4 mA during a fail-safe condition. If
20 mA
at Bottom
is selected, the sensor will output 20 mA during a
fail-safe condition.
- The output will revert to the current value for a full
condition. When
4 mA at Bottom
is selected, the sensor will
output 20 mA during a fail-safe condition. If
20 mA at
is selected, the sensor will output 4 mA during a fail-
safe condition.
Overfill (21mA)
- The sensor will output 21mA during a fail-
safe condition.
Overfill (22mA)
- The sensor will output 22mA during a fail-
safe condition.
This feature allows you to select the orientation of the 4 to 20mA output (4 to 20 mA or 20 to 4 mA). Choose
which output setting best fits the application. Factory default is 4mA at bottom and 20mA at top, as this
configuration scenario is an industry standard.
When connecting your sensor to a display, you must account for
your output orientation setting.
4mA at Bottom
The output current will be 4mA when the sensor measures an empty tank and 20mA
when the sensor measures a full tank.
20mA at Bottom
The output current will be 20mA when the sensor measures an empty tank and 4mA
when the sensor measures a full tank.
Right click on any item to open the help menu.
To reset the configuration table, press the Clear Screen button