The camera can't be found
The camera can't be found
Problem description:
You have successfully installed the software with which you
want to operate the camera and have connected the camera to your PC. However,
the wizard doesn't start or your software can't acquire any images from the camera.
Possible problems:
The connection is faulty
The camera driver hasn't been correctly installed
The operating system is not suitable
Check the description of possible problems listed below.
The connection is faulty
The connection between the camera and the PC has been interrupted
because a cable isn't properly plugged in, because a cable, a plug or a port is
defective, or because the FireWire interface can't be found.
Check the connections. Do the following:
Check the cable
Check the FireWire cable's port at the camera and on the FireWire board. Make
sure that you have connected the cable to the FireWire board that was supplied
and inserted.
Open the Device Manager.
Depending on the operating system you use, opening the Device
Manager is done in different ways. If required, refer to your operating
system's online help for further information on the Device Manager.
In the
Device Manager
dialog box, check if the
IEEE 1394 Bus-Hostcontroller
entry exists.
Double click the entry and check if the
1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller
subentry is shown.
If this entry appears, proceed to the next problem description.
Should this entry not appear there, insert the board into another PCI slot
on your PC, if possible into a slot with a free neighboring slot. Once you've
done this, check the Device Manager again.
Should the term
appear in the entry, this means that your PC has
another FireWire interface that doesn't support the camera. Make sure
that you have connected the camera to the FireWire board that was
supplied and inserted.