As new fluorochromes are developed and new methods of light excitation and manipulation become more popular
for live cell experiments, more and more researchers will require the use of low phototoxicity near-IR wavelengths in
addition to the conventional visible spectrum. Olympus has equipped its IX2 series microscopes with the new UIS2
optical system precisely to meet those demands. With high S/N ratio, compensation for chromatic aberration over a
much wider wavelength range and flat, high transmittance , this new system sets a new world standard of
fluorescence performance — efficiently detecting even faint fluorescence signals without damaging the cell,
optimizing multi-color observation. Delivering unprecedented image quality over a super wide light spectrum,
the IX2 inverted system microscope will be your choice of live cell imaging now and in the future.
Olympus IX2 inverted microscopes
combined with the new UIS2 optical system
opens a new world of live cell imaging.
Motorized inverted system microscope
M o t o r i z e d S y s t e m
Research inverted system microscope
M a n u a l S y s t e m