"Wireless" window
The Wireless window contains the main functions and settings of the wireless network. This and the
"Wireless Information" windows are available when BS-479 is installed and scanned properly and the
Pc program works in "Online Mode".
From the specific window the technician can perform the following tasks:
Install wireless devices: The "Start Network Installation" button starts the installation process. This
is described in a paragraph above. The "Stop Network Installation" button stops the installation.
Added devices appear in the white text box below the "Network Setup" section.
Zones deletion: With "Delete all wireless zones" button, we can delete all the available wireless
zones that exist in the system. If we want to delete a single wireless zone, we can do it by press-
ing "Delete a wireless zone" button after filling the desired zone number.
Zone assignment: With "Assign Zone Number" button the technician can assign a zone number to
a specific device ID.
Receive Wireless Zones information: By pressing the "Refresh all" button, the technician can re-
ceive all zones' data. By pressing the "Refresh" button that is found to the left of each zone line,
the user can refresh each zone's data respectively.
Wireless Window