OLIMEX© 2015
A10-OLinuXino-LIME user's manual
1.2 Target market and purpose of the board
The boards from the OLinuXino family are easy to setup and powerful. It is possible to use them in
almost any application as a host board. They are suitable for embedded programming enthusiasts,
Linux and Android gadget fans (they can just use the board as a media center or fully functional
Linux-PC, for instance) and also professionals (since its low cost makes it very good solution for
application-orientated embedded systems). The main usage of the board is software embedded
development without the urge of understanding perfectly the hardware.
The LIME boards are a special kind of OLinuXino boards – they are as small as possible while
maintaining a remarkable stand-alone functionality. The strong points of the boards are the
processor speed, the small form factor and the low price-to-productivity ratio.
Customers have full access to the technical documentation of the board. The software is released
under General Purpose License and the board is considered open-hardware – all schematics and
board design files are available to the customer under the Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
1.3 Board variants
There are two major board variants named: A10-OLinuXino-LIME and A10-OLinuXino-LIME-
4GB. The 4GB version has a built-in NAND memory that allows the storage of an operating system
without the need of a SD card. The 4GB version comes with already programmed Android image.
The A20-OLinuXino-LIME and A20-OLinuXino-LIME-4GB boards are almost identical to,
respectively, A10-OLinuXino-LIME and A10-OLinuXino-LIME-4GB with the only difference
being the processor mounted. This brings different processor speed and productivity. The A10 has a
single Cortex A8 core. The A20 has a dual-core Cortex A7. This makes the A20 boards more
powerful and suitable for heavier computational tasks, but more power-hungry. The processor swap
is possible since the A10 and A20 processors are pin-to-pin compatible.
The A20-OLinuXino-LIME2 (note the “2”) board is similar to A20-OLinuXino-LIME and A10-
OLinuXino-LIME but it has Gigabit Ethernet and double the RAM memory (1GB compared to
1.4 Board version used in the manual
Revision C boards and resources were used while writing this document. It is possible that they are
outdated so it is always recommended to download the latest sources from the GitHub page of the
board (
Please note that A10-OLinuXino-LIME design is almost identical to the design of its predecessor
A20-OLinuXino-LIME – the only difference being the processor. Even then the processors are pin-
to-pin compatible. Some documents or software may be suitable for both the A10 and the A20
LIME boards but it is generally advised to use resources for the specific board.
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