Colour Editor
Choose a profile to edit and click Select.
Another method is to open the Profile Manager, select a profile, and then click Edit.
For a simulation profile, choose Master from the Edit Mode menu. For an output
profile, choose Custom from the Edit Mode menu.
For instructions for using Quick, Full (Source GCR), or Full (Output GCR) mode, see
Use this dialog box to view
or edit profiles. The graph
allows you to view and
manipulate colour output
When you edit an
output profile in Custom
mode, clicking Import at
the bottom of the Colour
Editor window allows you
to import a calibration
target file (.trg) created on
another Fiery using the
previous version of
ColorWise. The current
version of ColorWise does
not allow you to save a
target separately; rather, it
saves the target in
conjunction with an
output profile.