OTR 700 User's Guide Rev02 11/2016
Event Table Field Description
# Event Number:
Indicates the event in sequence, where the higher the number the further distance from the OTDR the event
occurs. “E” (End) which is the event determined to be the end of the fiber under test. The last column is
labeled "L" the row included data that is relevant to the link (full fiber under test).
Pass/Fail, if any one of the thresholds are not met for and event, the P/F column will display an F. The
parameter that failed will be displayed in red. If all the parameters are met, this column will display a P. There
is no Pass/Fail threshold for the last event labeled "E" (End) and the Pass/Fail for the "L" (Link) row includes
the 2POINT column, which for the link is the total link loss and the TYPE column which for the link row is the
system ORL.
Km or KF or MI:
Event Location (Distance from OTDR), Labeled Km for Kilometer or KF if unit of measure is Kilo-feet MI for
mile. This is the distance/location that the event occurs along the fiber link. This data should be the same for
the End of Fiber and Link.
SPLICE is the dB loss at the event at this location on the fiber. Loss is represented as a positive number. (A
positive number is the amount of loss and a negative number indicates a gain normally due to mismatched
index of refraction.) This is a settable threshold for the Pass/Fail purposes. The "E" event will display LINK as
this is not an event that would have meaning. The event that is deemed the EOF will normally display a large
loss as this loss will be greater than the threshold set to determine the end of the fiber.
2 Point Loss is the loss measured from the end of the dead zone of the previous event to the beginning of
current event. The value in the "L" line of the table for this column is the link loss. The loss from the beginning
of the trace to the event determined to be the EOF. This is the value used to determine if the fiber link passes
or fails it's loss threshold.
dB per Kilometer if in KM and DB/KF if in Kilo-Feet and DB/MI if in mile unit of measure. This is the
calculated loss per Km, Kf or Mi from the end of the dead zone of the previous event to the beginning of the
current event. The value in the "L" line of the table for this column is the dB Per/KM, Kf or Mi for the total link.
Event Type is the type of event or the return loss of and event. If the event has no reflection, “splc” will be
displayed and if the event is reflective, the reflectance value will be displayed. For the last event which is
labeled "E", there is not value displayed, it simply shows "End" and in the "L" row, the Optical Return Loss for
the link is displayed (System ORL).
Chapter 7 Fault Locate Operation