© NXP Semiconductors 2017
JN-UG-3121 v1.1
A.3 Generic Expansion Boards
The Generic Expansion Board (part number: DR1199) is an Arduino-compatible shield
that is supplied pre-fitted to the Arduino-compatible header of one of the Carrier
Boards in the development kit (see
The Generic Expansion Board has the following features (also see
Arduino-compatible expansion header (in four parts, CN1-CN4)
4 user-input buttons (SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4) connected to DIOs on the
JN517x module on the Carrier Board:
SW1 is connected to DIO1
SW2 is connected to DIO11
SW3 is connected to DIO12
SW4 is connected to DIO17
4 LEDs (D1, D2, D3, D4) connected to DIOs on the JN517x module on the
Carrier Board:
D1 is connected to DIO0
D2 is connected to DIO13 (same as for the PWM output used on the
Lighting/Sensor Expansion Board to drive the three white LEDs)
D3 is connected to DIO16
D4 is an optional LED which is not fitted on the supplied board and shares
DIO1 with button SW1
Potentiometer connected to JN517x ADC1, with a 0-1.8V DC voltage swing
USB Mini B port to provide access to JN517x UART1 via DIO14 and DIO15 of
JN517x module (or alternatively to UART0, depending on the internal
configuration of the device)
FTDI FT232 driver chip for USB port
PCB pads for 4-way GPIO header (3V3, VCC, DIO14, DIO15), where DIO14 and
DIO15 can be used to access JN517x UART1 (in this case, the FTDI driver chip for
the USB port must be isolated by removing resistors R11 and R12).
For full details of the board, refer to the
Boards and Expansion Boards Reference Design
, available from the NXP web site (see