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Application note
Rev. 1 — 28 December 2010
70 of 82
NXP Semiconductors
TEA1613T resonant power supply control IC
11.2.1 HBC only
A proposal for the setup (temporary additions to the existing application to force
operation) and the sequence for disabling/enabling the different functions is given in
. A moderate (current) load can be applied to the converters output to ascertain
the correct functioning.
1. 25 V external supply on SUPIC by series diode
2. 3 V on SNSBOOST to enable
3. RCPROT to ground to disable protection timer
4. SNSCURHBC to ground to disable OCP
step A: increase the HBC input voltage (V
step B: enable SNSCURHBC
step C: enable RCPROT
Be aware that a latching, overvoltage detection on SNSOUT (>3.5 V), can still prevent
CFMIN, GATELS, GATEHS and HB can be monitored to continuously assess the
functioning of the converter/controller.
Practical tip:
When an external PFC function is disabled, V
can often be applied by
simply applying a DC or AC voltage to the mains input connections.
Check the regulation by increasing the input voltage V
for the following situations:
1. Initially at V
= 0 V, the running frequency is low with a short on-time and a long
off-time. This is due to the HB detection not working properly at low voltage and the
internal slope detection (HB) not detecting a proper (fast) slope.
2. Increasing the value of V
, at a certain input voltage the HB detection works
correctly and the frequency to drive maximum power, is minimal. If the HB slope
remains slow, the output current is probably low. Increasing the output current
probably results in proper HB switching.
3. When the V
input voltage has reached a level closer to the nominal working
voltage, the correct output voltage is reached (depending on the output load), and
regulation starts working. This results in increasing the frequency with increasing the
input voltage until the nominal working voltage of V
is set.
4. When the basic functioning of the HBC is working well including SNSFB regulation,
protections can be added one by one. Proper functioning or a need for change can be
5. When a self-supplying application is used, the external supply voltage can be
removed as soon as the system works well at nominal V
voltage. The system
should now be able to start with the internal high voltage start-up supply and an
auxiliary winding can take over the SUPIC supply.
If, during debugging or starting, a protection has been activated, it may be
necessary to switch the SUPIC supply off and on to reset a latched protection state.