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Application note
Rev. 1 — 28 December 2010
7 of 82
NXP Semiconductors
TEA1613T resonant power supply control IC
IC voltage supply input and output of the internal HV start-up source.
All internal circuits are directly or indirectly (via SUPREG) supplied from this pin, with the
exception of the high-voltage circuit.
The buffer capacitor on SUPIC can be charged in several ways:
Internal high-voltage (HV) start-up source
Auxiliary winding from HBC transformer or capacitive supply from switching half-bridge
External DC supply, for example a standby supply
The IC enables operation when the SUPIC voltage has reached the start level of 22 V (for
HV start) or 17 V (for external supply). It stops operation below 15 V and a shutdown reset is
activated at 7 V.
Power ground. Reference (ground) for HBC low-side driver.
Output of the internal regulator: 10.9 V.
The supply made by this function is used by internal IC functions such as the MOSFET drivers.
It can also be used to supply an external circuit. SUPREG can provide a minimum output
current of 40 mA.
SUPREG becomes operational after SUPIC has reached its start level.
The IC starts full operation when SUPREG has reached 10.7 V.
UVP: If SUPREG drops below 10.3 V after start, the IC stops operating and the current from
SUPIC is limited to 5.4 mA, to allow recovery.
Gate driver output for low-side MOSFET of HBC.
Not connected, high-voltage spacer.
High-voltage supply input for internal HV start-up source.
In a stand-alone power supply application, this pin is connected to the boost voltage. SUPIC and
SUPREG are charged with a constant current by the internal start-up source. SUPHV operates
at a voltage above 25 V.
Initially the charging current is low (1.1 mA). When the SUPIC exceeds the short-circuit
protection level of 0.65 V, the generated current increases to 5.1 mA. The source is switched off
when SUPIC reaches 22 V which initiates a start operation. During start operation the voltage
drops until an auxiliary supply takes over the supply of SUPIC. If the takeover does not take
place before SUPIC drops below 15 V, the SUPHV source is reactivated and a restart is made.
Gate driver output for high-side MOSFET of HBC.
High-side driver supply connected to an external bootstrap capacitor between HB and SUPHS.
The supply is obtained using an external diode between SUPREG and SUPHS.
Reference for the high-side driver GATEHS.
Input for the internal half-bridge slope detection circuit for adaptive non-overlap regulation and
capacitive mode protection, externally connected to a half-bridge node between the MOSFETs
of HBC.
Not connected, high-voltage spacer.
Sense input for the momentary current of the HBC. In case of too high voltage level (that
represents the primary current), internal comparators determine to regulate to a higher
frequency (SNSCURHBC =
0.5 V) or protect (SNSCURHBC =
1 V) by switching immediately
to maximum frequency.
Variations on protection level, caused by HBC input voltage variations, can be compensated by
additional current from SNSCURHBC. This current leads to a voltage offset across the external
series resistance which adapts the protection levels. This series resistance is normally provided
by the current measurement resistor and an extra series resistance which has a typical value of
1 k
Table 1.
Pinning overview
Functional description