What do I do about a low sensor battery alert?
When you receive a low sensor battery alert, contact your dealer/distributor. If within the warranty period, the
sensor should be returned for replacement. Contact nVISION Technical Services (800) 835-0129 for information.
how do I delete a sensor?
Refer to “Edit Settings” on page 18 of the manual.
What should I do if a sensor is lost or damaged?
Contact your local dealer or nVISION Technical Services (800) 835-0129 to order a new sensor.
During installation, no signal was received from the sensor.
Higher RF transmissions propagate mostly via straight lines and along line-of-sight pathways. If a sensor fails to
give a pressure reading, move the monitor slightly, reposition the antenna and try again.
Can I use a sealant or equalizer powder in the tire with nVISION TPMS?
It’s recommended to use a filtered dill valve if using sealants or equalizing substances. Sealant can plug up the
valve core and shut off pressures in valve stems.
Tire pressures while driving go up - do I need to do anything?
No. While driving, tires become hot, increasing pressure. A pressure increase of 10% to 20% is common, especially
in hot weather at high speeds.
Do I need to rebalance my tires when using a sensor?
The 2/3 oz. sensor, on large tires (RV/Truck), seldom necessitates that tire balance be reassessed. Smaller tires may
require adding a ½ oz. weight opposite the sensor.