NVIDIA Jetson TX2/TX2i OEM Product Design Guide
Signal Routing Conventions
Throughout this document, the follow ing signal routing conventions are used:
SE Impedance (/ Diff Impedance) at x Dielectric Height Spacing
Single-ended (SE) impedance of trace (along w ith differential impedance for diff pairs) is achieved by spacing
requirement. Spacing is multiple of dielectric height. Dielectric height is typically different for microstrip & stripline.
Note: 1 mil = 1/1000th of an inch.
Trace spacing requirement applies to SE traces or differential pairs to other SE traces or differential pairs. It does not a pply to
traces making up a differential pair. For this case, spacing/trace widths are chos en to meet differential impedance
General Routing Guidelines
Pay close attention w hen routing high speed interfaces, such as HDMI/DP, USB 3.0, PCIe or DSI/CSI. Each of these interfaces
has strict routing rules for the trace impedance, w idth, spacing, total delay, and delay/flight time matching. The follow ing
guidelines provide an overview of the routing guidelines and notations used in this document.
Controlled Im pedance
Each interface has different trace impedance requirements & spacing to other traces. It is up to designer to
calculate trace w idth & spacing required to achieve specified single-ended (SE) & differential (Diff) impedances.
Unless otherw ise noted, trace impedance values are ±15%.
Max Trace Lengths/Delays
Trace lengths/delays should include main PCB routing and any additional routing on a Flex/ secondary PCB
segment connected to main PCB. The max length/delay should be from the module to the actual connector (i.e.
USB, HDMI, SD Card, etc.) or device (i.e. onboard USB device, Display driver IC, camera imager IC, etc.)
Trace Delay/Flight Tim e Matching
Signal f light time is the time it takes for a signal to propagate from one end (driver) to other end (receiver). One
w ay to get same flight time for signal w ithin signal group is to match trace lengths w ithin specified delay in the
signal group.
Total trace delay = Carrier PCB trace delay only. Do not exceed maximum trace delay specified.
For six layers or more, it is recommended to match trace delays based on flight time of signals. For example,
outer-layer signal velocity could be 150psi (ps/inch) & inner-layer 180psi. If one signal is routed 10 inches on
outer layer & second signal is routed 10 inches in inner layer, difference in flight time betw een tw o signals w ill
be 300ps! That is a big difference if required matching is 15ps (trace delay matching). To fix this, inner trace
needs to be 1.7 inches shorter or outer trace needs to be 2 inches longer.
In this design guide, terms such as intra-pair & inter-pair are used w hen describing differential pair delay.
Intra-pair refers to matching traces w ithin differential pair (for example, true to complement trace matching).
Inter-pair matching refers to matching differential pairs average delays to other differential pairs average
General PCB Routing Guidelines
For GSSG stack-up to minimize crosstalk, signal should be routed in such a way that they are not on top of each
other in two routing layers (see diagram to right)
Do not route other signals or power traces/areas directly under or over critical high-speed interface signals.
The requiements detailed in the Interface Signal Routing Requirements tables must be met for all interfaces implemented or
proper operation cannot be guaranteed.