SPLITMUX Quad Screen Video Splitter
Most of the settings that can be changed using the web interface and text menus can also be changed using the OSD menus.
System Configuration
Configure system settings
Network Configuration
Configure network settings
Input Configuration
Configure which inputs will be viewed
Output Configuration
Configure how the images will appear on the display
Mode Configuration
Configure how each mode will behave
Load/Save Layout
Load or Save Custom Layout configurations
System Information
Display firmware version, MAC address, network settings and port status
System Configuration
In the System Configuration screen provides 3 categories of settings to configure. Access to the OSD menus is controlled under
Unit Settings, serial communication baud rate and address under Serial Settings, and the position of the OSD menu on the display
under OSD Settings.
Select “Back” and press ENTER to return to the main menu.
Figure 60- OSD System Configuration