Serial Interface Specifications
Number of ports: 5, 9, 17, 25 or 33 RS232 ports;
Connectors: RJ45 male
Data: asynchronous, 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits per character,
Parity: even, odd, or none
Stop Bits: 1, 1 ½, or 2 bits
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff, RTS/CTS, Both, or None
Baud Rate: 50 bps to 128,000 bps
Supported Web Browsers
Most modern web browsers should be supported. The following browsers have been tested:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
Netscape 7.0 or higher
Mozilla FireFox 0.9.2 or higher
Opera 9.0 or higher
Set your browser to always check if there is a newer version of the page than the version stored in cache. This action will ensure
that it will display the most up-to-date information.
equipment that can transmit and/or receive data using RS232 interface
when a port is not receiving data from the device connected to it
terminal program
a terminal emulation program- computer program that communicates via RS232 interface
(i.e. HyperTerminal)
"dumb" terminal
Serial terminal device or CPU terminal program that emulates a serial terminal
time period of inactivity after which a port will be disconnected (the inter-port connection will be broken)
Baud rate
serial device or port receiver and transmitter speed; measured in "bps" (bits per second)
Flow control
a method to temporarily stop and restart serial data transfer (flow). It can be
Hardware (out-band)- usually using the RTS and CTS physical handshaking signals;
Software (in-band)- using special characters, usually named Xon and Xoff, inserted
in data being transferred;
Disconnect sequence
1 or 3 char sequence inserted in the serial data flow, to disconnect the user from the
attached serial device and to return to the initial user menu.
"Carriage Return" character, ASCII code 13
"Line Feed" character, ASCII code 10
"Form Feed" character, ASCII code 09
(i.e. [ Shift ] + [ < ] ) press the keys simultaneously
(i.e. [ P ] - [ 0 ] ) press the P and 0 keys consecutively