NSC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Lange Wand 3
B01050 B01060 Operating Installation Manual Solution F1 20130814.doc
33719 Bielefeld
Version S040A13.08
"TD response” in the wiring diagrams can be used for
this confirmation signal).
red LED "Fire Protection Equipment"
Indicates that the FCP has activated one ore more fire
outputs. Fire outputs are outputs which are configured
to the "Fire outputs" on/off function.
yellow LED "Fault"
Indicates that the FCP is in fault condition. At least one
device (detector, module), input, output or system
component is not in normal condition. See LC module
for detailed information.
yellow LED "Disabling"
Indicates that at least one device (detector, module),
input or output is disabled (switched off).
yellow LED "Transmission Device" (TD)
In case of flashing this LED (and yellow LED "Fault" is
on) the TD is in fault condition.
In case this LED is on (and yellow LED "Disabled" is
on) the TD is switched off.
yellow LED "Sounders"
In case of flashing this LED (and yellow LED "Fault" is
on) one of the sounder outputs is in fault condition.
In case this LED is on (and yellow LED "Disabled" is
on) one of the sounder outputs is switched off.
yellow LED "System"
The FCP itself is in fault condition. That means that
maybe the main board (micro controller) does not
work well and the correct function of the FCP is
not guaranteed. Please check immediately by the
installation company.
LC module indications:
The LC module is a graphics LCD which is automatically illuminated in the case of any event. That
means if an alarm message, a fault message, a disabled message or just if any push button is
pressed the LC module activated the illumination. Then detailed information is shown in the display.
Either the LCD shows the information in 8 lines of alpha numerical texts or in a graphics mode like bar
charts or columns.
Usually the FCP shows the condition of the panel in the middle of the LC module. There is in big letter
the current status on a dark background. The following messages are possible :
= normal condition
= the FCP is in alarm condition
= the FCP is in test alarm condition
= the FCP is in fault condition
= one or more devices of the FCP are switched off
= one or more outputs of the FCP are activated
If the user enters one of the menus (by pressing the push button "Prog") at the bottom line of the LC
module he sees the dynamic function keys F1 – F4. Sometimes all 4 keys are used, sometimes only