National Rejectors, Inc. GmbH, Buxtehude
G-13.6 Description of the variants
Description of the variants
Standard coin validator
Each inserted coin is checked for its type and genuiness and
assigned to the corresponding channel. As soon as the coin has
passed the light barrier a pulse signal (100 ms) is given onto the
corresponding output line and the output is set to ground potential via
an open-collector-transistor. If the light barrier is already blocked when
the coin is inserted the coin is rejected.
Since the channel can be assigned to different outlets by NRI it is
possible to transmit coin signals in a binary code or assign more than
one line to a type of coin.
Casino variant
The Casino variant has two special features:
1. Fast coin acceptance
The coin insert speed can be up to 6 coins/second without any
malfunctions occurring or transmitting of wrong signals.
2. V2A enforcement
This enforcement in the slot area reduces the wear and tear that
appears in slot machines because of the usually frequent coin flow.
To provide additional protection an accept sensor signal can be
transmitted on the coin return line (line 5) as an option. The coin signal
and the accept sensor signal are given independently of each other.
Since the acceptance gate is triggered at the same time the next coin
can be tested without causing problems (a continuous signal at the
acceptance gate will not cause a problem).